P-90X, Insanity, Local Bootcamp Gurus, Personal Trainers beware.... the secret is out:
Less is more! Your ADHD style training methods are not for everyone.
You don't need a 12 station circuit and dozens of pieces of equipment or thousands of lbs of weights to get a whole body workout.
You don't need to perform a mind-numbing variety of exercises to stimulate "muscle confusion".
You don't need fancy shoes, a heart-rate monitor, or a Jillian Michaels wannabe personal trainer screaming in your face and climbing on your back.
All you need is to learn how to properly perform two movements: one slow-grind + one explosive lift, a kettlebell or two and put it all together with an intelligent plan... then stick to it.
The getup is a unique movement that consists moving from a supine position to a lunge then standing all while holding a kettlebell overhead, then the movement is reversed. This is a slow "grinding" movement that develops stability, shoulder & grip endurance and flexibility. The swing is the other technique that provides contrast with a high-speed explosive deadlift-like movement performed for 5-20 reps. This movement develops a mastery of relaxation vs tension, powerful hips, a strong grip, melts fat and builds legendary endurance.
These two movements (the getup and the swing) hit just about every muscle and energy system while improving flexibility, posture and functional performance in just about every sort of athletic endeavor.
Tonight while training for my RKC level II certification I re-discovered another classic pair of exercise that are a match made in heaven: the Bent Press and the Clean & Jerk. While I've been training both movements for quite some time I've never used these two movements as the sole elements of a session until tonight. One slow grind paired with one explosive lift. In only two movements I targeted slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers, upper body and legs, flexibility and strength. After the workout I felt wonderful, ready to battle for a kingdom. I got in both my strength training and cardio and it only required two kettlebells of the same size.
If you are tired of complicated training that requires too many exercises or too many pieces of equipment consider RKC style kettlebell training. Simple, addictive and devastatingly effective. To learn how schedule a private lesson or workshop with your favorite local RKC/CK-FMS (that's me by the way) and start building the body of your dreams, muscles that are stronger than they look and endurance that will confound your competition.
This is what I offer:
Mastery of a single powerful piece of equipment.
Safe technique and exercises.
Simple and effective program design.
Addictive and challenging movements.
Twice the workout in half the time.
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