Friday, May 13, 2011

Plattsmouth NE Kettlebell Workshops Tues May 17th & Wed May 18th

Choose Your Workshop


These Workshops will give you a Crash Course in safe and explosive kettlebell techniques that have been known to deliver undeniable strength gains, ignite rapid fat-loss and rehab injuries. Hands-on training in fundamental techniques.
The perfect place to start. Learn the three most fundamental movents: The Swing, the Getup and the Goblet Squat
Build on the basics learned in level I with the the Clean, the Press and the Snatch. Level II participants are required to have completed Level I and to have sufficient shoulder mobility for overhead lifts. 

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Did you Know?

Head strength coaches for Cincinnati Bengals and Washington Redskins have taken and passed the RKC.

World Power Lifting Champion Donnie Thompson is an RKC.

World renown physical therapist and creator of the Function Movement Screen, Gray Cook is an RKC.

Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Danish Olympic Team, Kenneth Jay is a Master RKC.

Olympic Silver Medalist, Mark O'Madsen is an RKC.

World Famous Strength Coach Dan John is an RKC.

RKC Quotes

"Kettlebell training will make you a better man.. even if you're a woman. If you don't know how, I'll show you. If you don't want to, I'll make you! " - Pavel Tsatsouline
"The Swings WILL continue until morale improves!" - Banner hanging at Lone Star Kettlebell in Lubbock TX.
"Anyone can swing a Kettlebell, but not everyone knows how to do the Kettlebell swing." - Master RKC Brett Jones
"Strength is a skill, so is endurance, so is flexibility!" - Pavel Tsatsouline

Scott Stevens, RKC & Pavel Tsatouline