Monday, June 21, 2010

A recipe for improved health

If you are competitive, one way to motivate yourself to get in the best shape possible in the shortest amount of time possible is to start now, put your money where your mouth is, put your pride on the line and make yourself accountable to others. Efffectively putting yourself in a corner in such a way that the only way out is to perform and achieve your goal.

Choose A Specific Goal.
Be precise and select a goal that can be measured objectively but be reasonable and realistic.

Here are some examples of "Bad Goals" that are too vague and can't be quantified followed by better goals that can measured objectively.

BAD: I want to be healthier.
BETTER: I want to lose 5% body fat.

BAD: I want to be stronger.
BETTER:I want to add 5lbs of muscle. I want to increase my max in [Lift A]by 20lbs. I want to increase my max consecutive pull-ups by 20%.

BAD: I want to be in better shape.
BETTER: I want to improve mile-run time by ___ seconds or minutes. I want to lower my resting heart rate by 10bpm. I want to be able to jump rope at 120-220 rpm for 10 consecutive minutes. 
BAD: I want to look better.
BETTER:I want to fit into a size ___ dress. I want to wear a size ___ belt.

BAD: I want to be good at Kettlebell 
BETTER: I want to complete the 5-minute snatch test and earn my RKC.
Make a commitment to start NOW.
Some people believe that they must lose weight before joining an exercise program, get strong before lifting weights, become a good fighter before joining a martial arts class, get healthy before going to the doctor, be rich before going into business, be smart before going to school etc...  In other words they want to run before they can crawl.

Whether they realize it or not it's just an excuse to fail.
If you want to get healthier you must start NOW!

Seek out professional/expert help. Get the help of someone that has been there and done that.Someone that has ALREADY achieved what you want to achieve or at the very least achieved something similar. Find as many people like this as you can and learn what is they do that has made them successful. They can steer you clear of common mistakes and help you achieve success quicker and safer.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It
Enough said.

Put your Money Where You Mouth Is.
Perception is everything. Nothing of value is free. Make a financial commitment. NEVER accept free training even if it's a buddy, pay them in advance then you are both accountable on a much higher level. No cancellations. Every session missed is money and opportunity lost... that's motivation.

Pick a Deadline and Put your pride on the line
When we think of people that are in the best possible condition we usually think of professional athletes. Professional athletes compete and compete often against other professionals. Nothing will motivate you  to perform at your best like a setting a date to compete against a formidable opponent.

Enroll in a competition where success depends on you commitment to your training program.
If you are training in Kettlebell enroll in the RKC Instructor Certification or Tactical Strength Challenge.
If you are training in martial arts, enroll in a tournament.
If you running, enroll in half marathon, or track meet.
If you are trying to lose weight enroll in a local biggest loser style competition.
You get the idea.
Make your commitment public.
Tell your friends and family about your commitment and competition date.
Most importantly tell that one individual that will be happy to nag you and rub it in your face if you fail or fail to follow through.

1 comment:

Strength Nomad said...

Awesome posts. Following these simple truths consistently overtime is guaranteed results. Thanks for the inspiration.

C.J. Brown

Did you Know?

Head strength coaches for Cincinnati Bengals and Washington Redskins have taken and passed the RKC.

World Power Lifting Champion Donnie Thompson is an RKC.

World renown physical therapist and creator of the Function Movement Screen, Gray Cook is an RKC.

Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Danish Olympic Team, Kenneth Jay is a Master RKC.

Olympic Silver Medalist, Mark O'Madsen is an RKC.

World Famous Strength Coach Dan John is an RKC.

RKC Quotes

"Kettlebell training will make you a better man.. even if you're a woman. If you don't know how, I'll show you. If you don't want to, I'll make you! " - Pavel Tsatsouline
"The Swings WILL continue until morale improves!" - Banner hanging at Lone Star Kettlebell in Lubbock TX.
"Anyone can swing a Kettlebell, but not everyone knows how to do the Kettlebell swing." - Master RKC Brett Jones
"Strength is a skill, so is endurance, so is flexibility!" - Pavel Tsatsouline

Scott Stevens, RKC & Pavel Tsatouline