"Uncorrected errors WILL multiply. Someone once asked me if there wasn't benefit in overlooking one small flaw. 'What is a small flaw?' I asked him."
- Don Shula, NFL Defensive Back & BackOne difference between a novice and an expert is the amount of attention paid to detail.
A beginner may be able perform a thousand different techniques while the expert can spot one-thousand details in a single rep.
When is comes to your health and safety during kettlebell training keep in mind that while swinging an iron ball overhead there is no such thing as a SMALL mistake. The smallest mistake repeated overtime WILL cause bad habits AND or micro-trauma which eventually WILL lead to injury and derail your training or WORSE.
The wrong trainer will make the little mistakes seem trivial and be more concerned about counting reps than quality. The expert trainer WILL NOT let the little things slide.
ENTER the FMS & the RKC
By enlisting an RKC and or CK-FMS as your trainer you are guaranteed to get the highest attention to detail. A proven system of identifying a clients weakest movement pattern and then a systematic way of determining what progression of exercises will correct that weakness as well as what exercises to avoid. Taken one step further the RKC standards emphasize the highest possible attention to detail, details that produce results in terms of improved health and performance.
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