Monday, May 18, 2009

30lbs in 4 months with RKC Kettlebell

“I had hit a plateau in my weight loss program, and couldn’t seem to lose any more weight. I was exercising and participating in a variety of classes. I had heard that weight training would help. I really didn’t enjoy using the weight equipment and had tried Body Pump,but it wasn’t for me. I enjoy cardio type classes like step aerobics and Body Attack. Some of the people in my martial arts classes were using kettlebells. So I decided to give Scott’s kettlebell class a try. I was surprised that the class worked me both with weight training and cardio. I had finally found an all-in-one class that I enjoyed. In 4 months I had dropped an extra 30 pounds. Pounds I was having trouble losing! I also gained an added benefit, my abs, arms and legs were getting toned. 

Scott Stevens’ kettlebell class is the most challenging, intensive,well structured, cardiovascular/strength training class that I have ever participated in. A great all-in-one workout! The knowledge, guidance and quality of training provided by Scott is impressive. He has a way of “torturing” that is actually “fun”! He is the first instructor to actually get me to challenge myself and come back wanting more. Scott’s grueling pace coupled with routines that rotate, challenge and expand are never boring.” 

~Kelly Rushlow Omaha, NE

Did you Know?

Head strength coaches for Cincinnati Bengals and Washington Redskins have taken and passed the RKC.

World Power Lifting Champion Donnie Thompson is an RKC.

World renown physical therapist and creator of the Function Movement Screen, Gray Cook is an RKC.

Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Danish Olympic Team, Kenneth Jay is a Master RKC.

Olympic Silver Medalist, Mark O'Madsen is an RKC.

World Famous Strength Coach Dan John is an RKC.

RKC Quotes

"Kettlebell training will make you a better man.. even if you're a woman. If you don't know how, I'll show you. If you don't want to, I'll make you! " - Pavel Tsatsouline
"The Swings WILL continue until morale improves!" - Banner hanging at Lone Star Kettlebell in Lubbock TX.
"Anyone can swing a Kettlebell, but not everyone knows how to do the Kettlebell swing." - Master RKC Brett Jones
"Strength is a skill, so is endurance, so is flexibility!" - Pavel Tsatsouline

Scott Stevens, RKC & Pavel Tsatouline