Thursday, April 9, 2009

The R.O.P. is beyond me

An acquaitance of mine and fellow Kettlebell enthusiast told me that he wanted to learn a greater variety of kettlebell techniques because he had already read Enter the Kettlebell and thought he was beyond it already. When I mentioned this to some fellow RKC's it was consistently met with laughter, smiles or some witty remark. RKCs like myself find this amusing because Enter the Kettlebell is about "completing" the Rite of Passage (R.O.P.) which has some very specific goals:
  • Find a kettlebell you can press 5-8 times and continue doing press ladders until you can complete 5 ladders of 5 rungs per arm (thats 75 reps per arm), then start over with a larger kettlebell.
  • Men must perform a Strict One Arm Press with a kettlebell >= 1/2 bodyweight and Women must press a kettlebell >= 1/4 their bodyweight, then move on to a larger kettlebell.
  • Achieve 200 or more reps in the 10 minute snatch test. Men must use a 24kg kettlebell and women must use a 16kg kettlebell. Then continue to improve your score or use a larger kettlebell.
One of the things I really appreciate about Rite of Passage and the RKC system is the simplicity of it. Set a goal, work hard, achieve the goal, set the goal higher, repeat. No one can ever be beyond that.

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Did you Know?

Head strength coaches for Cincinnati Bengals and Washington Redskins have taken and passed the RKC.

World Power Lifting Champion Donnie Thompson is an RKC.

World renown physical therapist and creator of the Function Movement Screen, Gray Cook is an RKC.

Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Danish Olympic Team, Kenneth Jay is a Master RKC.

Olympic Silver Medalist, Mark O'Madsen is an RKC.

World Famous Strength Coach Dan John is an RKC.

RKC Quotes

"Kettlebell training will make you a better man.. even if you're a woman. If you don't know how, I'll show you. If you don't want to, I'll make you! " - Pavel Tsatsouline
"The Swings WILL continue until morale improves!" - Banner hanging at Lone Star Kettlebell in Lubbock TX.
"Anyone can swing a Kettlebell, but not everyone knows how to do the Kettlebell swing." - Master RKC Brett Jones
"Strength is a skill, so is endurance, so is flexibility!" - Pavel Tsatsouline

Scott Stevens, RKC & Pavel Tsatouline