Monday, June 30, 2008

Todays Workout

Flipping a 24kg Kettlebell

Here's my workout for the day. It's pretty simple... I refrained from double KB drills today because I'm feeling some muscle soreness.

  1. Halos (16 kg KB)
  2. Pump Stretch
  3. Sumo Deadlifts (28 kg KB)
  4. Getups 2 each side (28 kg KB)

  5. Clean, Military Press Ladders & High Pulls (28kg KB)
    Note: I've been experiencing soreness lately so I'm going to back off and start with 3 ladders, 3 rungs with a 28kg bell.

    1st ladder: 4 rungs left/right
    2nd ladder: 3 rungs left/right
    3rd ladder: 3 rungs left/right

  6. Snatches
    Note: I've not done my Monday Snatches since the RKC certification to let my hands heal.
    It's been a while so I had to determine my current 1-minute maximum number of snatches with a 24kg KB. I performed 15 reps with my left in 30 seconds and then without resting another 15 with my right for a total of 30 snatches with a 24kg KB in one-minute. I've never tried to do more than twenty in a minute before so I was suprised that I could do 30 with such ease. I got the idea of using 30 reps a minute as goal for building up to 10 minutes of snatches... that would mean 300 snatches in 10 minutes!!!! I think it will take me a while to acheive that one ;)

    I rolled an 8 on the dice so I performed 8 minutes of Snatches at 50% of my all out pace. That meant 16 reps every minute x 8 minutes for a total of 128 snatches in 8 minutes. I performed this part of the workout with ease. My hands were unphased. It looks like my conditioning is holding up.

  7. 16kg Single Leg Deck Squats / a.k.a. "Pistols"
    Didnt keep count, got interrupted a few times. Focused on doing negative pistols then stood up using two legged squats.

  8. Get down > Getup > Windmill > Swings > repeat.... several minutes with a 16kg KB (lost track)

  9. Russian Twist / Hot Potato Situps with a 16kg KB5 sets of 40 reps

  10. Pump Stretch

A new trainer at the YMCA introduced herself and asked questions about the Kettlbell. I took a few minutes and showed her Getups, Swings and the Windmill... actually I had her perform them while I spotted her. She's hooked and is planning on attending my 10am group class in the morning.

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Did you Know?

Head strength coaches for Cincinnati Bengals and Washington Redskins have taken and passed the RKC.

World Power Lifting Champion Donnie Thompson is an RKC.

World renown physical therapist and creator of the Function Movement Screen, Gray Cook is an RKC.

Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Danish Olympic Team, Kenneth Jay is a Master RKC.

Olympic Silver Medalist, Mark O'Madsen is an RKC.

World Famous Strength Coach Dan John is an RKC.

RKC Quotes

"Kettlebell training will make you a better man.. even if you're a woman. If you don't know how, I'll show you. If you don't want to, I'll make you! " - Pavel Tsatsouline
"The Swings WILL continue until morale improves!" - Banner hanging at Lone Star Kettlebell in Lubbock TX.
"Anyone can swing a Kettlebell, but not everyone knows how to do the Kettlebell swing." - Master RKC Brett Jones
"Strength is a skill, so is endurance, so is flexibility!" - Pavel Tsatsouline

Scott Stevens, RKC & Pavel Tsatouline