Here's my workout for the day. It's pretty simple... I refrained from double KB drills today because I'm feeling some muscle soreness.
- Halos (16 kg KB)
- Pump Stretch
- Sumo Deadlifts (28 kg KB)
- Getups 2 each side (28 kg KB)
- Clean, Military Press Ladders & High Pulls (28kg KB)
Note: I've been experiencing soreness lately so I'm going to back off and start with 3 ladders, 3 rungs with a 28kg bell.
1st ladder: 4 rungs left/right
2nd ladder: 3 rungs left/right
3rd ladder: 3 rungs left/right - Snatches
Note: I've not done my Monday Snatches since the RKC certification to let my hands heal.
It's been a while so I had to determine my current 1-minute maximum number of snatches with a 24kg KB. I performed 15 reps with my left in 30 seconds and then without resting another 15 with my right for a total of 30 snatches with a 24kg KB in one-minute. I've never tried to do more than twenty in a minute before so I was suprised that I could do 30 with such ease. I got the idea of using 30 reps a minute as goal for building up to 10 minutes of snatches... that would mean 300 snatches in 10 minutes!!!! I think it will take me a while to acheive that one ;)
I rolled an 8 on the dice so I performed 8 minutes of Snatches at 50% of my all out pace. That meant 16 reps every minute x 8 minutes for a total of 128 snatches in 8 minutes. I performed this part of the workout with ease. My hands were unphased. It looks like my conditioning is holding up. - 16kg Single Leg Deck Squats / a.k.a. "Pistols"
Didnt keep count, got interrupted a few times. Focused on doing negative pistols then stood up using two legged squats. - Get down > Getup > Windmill > Swings > repeat.... several minutes with a 16kg KB (lost track)
- Russian Twist / Hot Potato Situps with a 16kg KB5 sets of 40 reps
- Pump Stretch
A new trainer at the YMCA introduced herself and asked questions about the Kettlbell. I took a few minutes and showed her Getups, Swings and the Windmill... actually I had her perform them while I spotted her. She's hooked and is planning on attending my 10am group class in the morning.
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