Kettlebell skills and results carry over to other endeavors.
Kettlebell lifting allows for a greater range of motion than free-weights resulting in increased flexibility, strength and muscle control through my entire range of flexibility.
Low-Rep grinds such as the military press and upside down press have resulting in tremendous gains in shoulder,foream, lat and ab strength.
High-rep Ballistic moves such as swings and snatches have resulted in phenomenal cardio, endurance and explosiveness.
For the first time in my life I am developing lats and all from the negative portion of the Military Press-RKC style.
Through the use of one legged rows, and presses my sprained ankle has become far more resilient and core strength has gone through the roof.
My mood is consistently better, I am looking forward to each day and I can't wait to share Kettlebells with the people I meet.
One of coolest things about kettlebells is that you can train with them absolutely anywhere and anytime. Today I practiced a brief RKC workout at a nearby park. Aside from dodging dog droppings it was one of the most enjoyable workouts I can remember.
Here's today's workout
Practiced double cleans, Double Military Presses, double swings, double front squats with two 53 lb kbs
A few presses of the 62lb KB
Using a light 16kg bell and 28 kg bell
30 seconds: L arm clean & press > 30 seconds R arm clean & press > 30 seconds goblet squat > 30 seconds rest > repeat 3x
30 seconds of L rows > 30 seconds Right > 30 seconds of figure 8's to a hold > 30 sec rest > repeat 3 times
30 seconds of swings > 30 seconds rest > repeat 6 times
A few rounds of 30 second snatches
Walking with KB in racked position
Farmer's walk
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